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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question not answered below? Please email us.

Why did you change the packaging?

After 10 years, it was time to give our packaging the bold look our name deserves!

We did not take the decision to update the packaging lightly, and through consultation with our customers and partners we determined that the time was right.  Holy Crap had been built off an iconic formula and rest assured, we have made NO adjustments to the formulation for 3 of our products and minimal changes to the new Maple + Gluten Free Oats.  We also updated the naming conventions to ease navigation of the products for those who have yet to discover the “amazing-ness” that is in the Holy Crap bag!  

You can now see what is in the bag with the clear gusset at the bottom as well as picture on the front of pack! We are no longer hiding what’s in the bag! We want the world to know!

The new packaging is confusing me. If I am a long-time customer, how will I know what new package I should buy?

First of all, thank you for being a long-time customer! If you previously bought the bag with the label that said Holy Crap – Dragons’ Blend, you should now purchase the new GREEN bag called Apple Cinnamon.

If you previously bought the bag with the label that said Skinny B – Dragons’ Blend, you should buy the new RED bag called Natural Superseed Blend.

New look on the outside but the exact same product on the inside!

Where can I buy Holy Crap?

You can buy Holy Crap at:

WEST – London Drugs, Save on Foods, Overwaitea, Buy Low Foods, Nesters, Calgary Co-Op, Whole Foods, Urban Fare, Choices, Federated Co-Op, select Georgia Main locations, Spud and other independent grocery retailers. 

EAST – Organic Garage, Big Carrot and other independent grocery retailers.  

If you are specifically looking for Holy Crap, please make sure you call the store to ensure it is there.

Our distribution is expanding every day so keep your eyes open for Holy Crap at your local grocery retail store.

On-line you can purchase a case pack of 12 of each flavour or a variety pack of all 4 flavours at

Other on-line supporters are,

Do you ship internationally?

We currently ship only to the US and Canada. We offer free shipping in Canada over $85 CAD.

What is the best way to prepare Holy Crap? Do I need to cook it?

Nope! No formal cooking required! 

The most popular way to prepare Holy Crap cereal is to soak 2 tablespoons of the cereal mix in ¼ cup of water for 5 minutes. Then mix in ¼ or ½ cup yogurt, non-dairy beverage of dairy milk. Play around with the consistency that you prefer. Some people like it more liquidy and some like it to be thick. Add fresh fruit!

For the Maple + Gluten Free Oats, add ½ cup boiling water to 1/3 cup of Maple + Gluten Free Oats. Let stand for 5 minutes and add in fresh fruit and/or nuts.

What is the difference between Holy Crap Natural and Apple Cinnamon superseed blends?

Our Natural Superseed Blend recipe contains only three organic ingredients, which are the base ingredients of all Holy Crap cereals: chia, hulled hemp seeds and buckwheat. This cereal has 40 % more chia in the blend than the Apple Cinnamon cereal. Apple Cinnamon contains seven ingredients: the same seed blend as the Natural blend and added organic dried fruit – cranberries, raisins, apple bits and a touch of organic cinnamon.

Erika Weissenborn, B.Sc., FNH, CHN says, “From a nutritional standpoint the addition of the dried fruits adds some naturally occurring sugars (3 g of sugars in a serving of Apple Cinnamon compared to 0 g in Natural) for added flavour. Natural is a great product to have for someone who is seriously watching their sugar intake, such as a diabetic individual. Natural also allows you to customize your cereal to your preference – add your own fresh fruit, seeds or spices for an individualized experience!

Both cereals are amazing products and it’s your choice if you want your cereal with or without the dried fruit!”

Find out more about the differences in this article.

What are the ingredients and nutritional content for each cereal blend?

Apple Cinnamon: chia*, buckwheat*, hulled hemp seeds*, raisins, dried cranberries* (sugar*, sunflower oil*), apple bits*, cinnamon*.

Find more product details and the Nutritional Facts for Holy Crap Apple Cinnamon Cereal here

Natural Superseed blend: chia*, buckwheat*, hulled hemp seeds*.

Find more product details and the Nutritional Facts for Natural Cereal here

Blueberry Apple: *chia, blueberries (cane sugar, sunflower oil), *hulled hemp seeds, *buckwheat, *apple bits, *dried cranberries (*sugar, *sunflower oil), *cinnamon. 

Find more product details and the Nutritional Facts for Blueberry Apple cereal here.

Maple Cinnamon: gluten-free oats*, chia*, raisins*, dried cranberries* (sugar*, sunflower oil*), buckwheat*, hulled hemp seeds*, maple flakes (maple syrup)*, apple bits*, cinnamon*.

Find more product details and the Nutritional Facts for Maple + Gluten Free Oats here.

*Organic ingredients

Why are Holy Crap cereals so amazing?

Erika Weissenborn, B.Sc., Food, Nutrition and Health for Holy Crap Cereal says, “Aside from the nutritional content of these cereals being top notch, this cereal will help to sustain your blood sugar levels and keep you satisfied until lunch, which is something I always look for in a breakfast cereal! With nothing refined or altered added, your body knows exactly what to do with a product like this. Just eat real food!” Find out more in this article.

What are the benefits of superseeds?

“Chia seeds are no doubt an amazing superfood. My favourite benefit is their soluble fiber, which is a very healing and gentle form of fiber for the digestive tract. They are a great way to detoxify the gut, and keep you feeling satisfied. Find out more in this article.

Hulled hemp seeds contain the ideal ratio of essential fatty acids Omega-6 and Omega-3. Our standard diet today provides heightened levels of Omega-6, which can actually produce an inflammation response in the body. By eating foods like hemp that contain balanced sources of both Omega-6 and Omega-3 you will reap the benefits of these essential fats: healthy skin and hair, development of nervous system, regulation of inflammatory responses and more! Find out more in this article.

Buckwheat is not a cereal or a grass. It’s a fruit seed related to rhubarb and sorrel. It’s gluten-free! Buckwheat is my favourite gluten free substitute! It has a rich nutty flavour, and is packed with nutrients. It’s also a very versatile seed, that has much of the flavour and consistency of wheat, without the gluten. Find out more in this article.”

Also check out our product page to learn more about the benefits of each ingredient and where they are sourced from.

Are your products gluten-free?

All our cereals are produced in our own dedicated gluten-free factory in Gibsons, BC. We do not produce any other products in the factory.

Why have so many people removed gluten from their diet?

Erika Weissenborn, B.Sc., FNH, CHN says, “Gluten-free foods aren’t only beneficial for those with Celiac Disease. Over the last few years, gluten-free diets have become quite common and you may be wondering why eating this way has gained in popularity.

Wheat products and derivatives are so frequent in our food supply today. This overexposure to wheat causes many people to start developing sensitivities to gluten (which is a protein component of wheat – it’s what makes wheat have that “gluey” consistency).

Wheat products can be very harsh on the gastrointestinal tract. Gluten sensitivities may also show up in other areas of the body, such as generalized inflammation.

Another reason to cut out gluten is that most of the wheat products consumed today are refined in some way that causes small to extreme sugar imbalances in the blood stream. All of these are reason to try out a gluten-free lifestyle. It may do wonders for you!”

What is the carb content of the 4 Holy Crap cereals?

Erika Weissenborn, B.Sc., FNH, CHN for Holy Crap Cereal says, “Approximately 30% of calories are coming from carbohydrate sources. I’ve given the breakdown of the carbohydrate content for all cereals below.

A large portion of the total carbs comes from fibre, which doesn’t really contribute calories (or energy) to food. The sugar portion comes from the dried fruit. The remainder comes from complex carbohydrate sources that the body breaks down slowly, and maintains a steady stream of energy to the blood stream. These complex carbohydrates help to feed and nourish your gut, which can help you maintain optimal gut health.

Simply speaking the carbohydrates that are in these cereals are of the highest quality, and won’t cause insulin or sugar rushes that you would receive from refined cereals (like from many breakfast products on the market). If you are highly concerned about your intake of carbohydrates then Natural would be preferred over the other 3 options solely due to the absence of dried fruit.”

Apple Cinnamon – per serving 

total carbs 15 g

fiber 6 g

sugars 3 g

Natural Superseed Blend – per serving

total carbs 13 g

fibre 8 g

sugars 0 g

Blueberry Apple – per serving

total carbs 17 g

fibre 7 g

sugars 4 g

Maple + Gluten-Free Oats – per serving

total carbs 30 g

fibre 5 g

sugars 8 g

I have a life-threatening allergy to tree nuts. Are the cereals safe for me to eat?

Our cereals are peanut and tree nut free. We only produce our own cereals in our nut-free factory. Some of our suppliers do also supply nuts to other companies, however they segregate nuts from non-nut ingredients in their warehouses to prevent cross-contamination of allergens. See pictures of our factory.

I am a diabetic. Are the cereals safe for me to eat?

Erika Weissenborn, B.Sc., FNH, CHN says, “Unrefined, low glycemic ingredients, like those in Holy Crap cereals are ideal for people with diabetes. Our Natural blend has 0 g of naturally occurring sugars per serving. Mix with an unsweetened dairy alternative and this provides an excellent breakfast option.” Find out more in this article.

Are Holy Crap cereals safe for pregnant women?

Erika Weissenborn, B.Sc., FNH, CHN says, “Many times during pregnancy women’s blood sugar is heightened due to hormonal changes during gestation. Eating foods that are unrefined, and low on the glycemic scale like Apple Cinnamon, and especially Holy Crap Natural blend can help pregnant women stabilize their blood sugar and reduce effects of hormone fluctuations.” Find out more in this article.

Is there wheat in buckwheat?

Despite its name, buckwheat is actually not wheat! It’s a seed rather than a grain, meaning it’s gluten-free and safe for those with gluten intolerances, allergies or celiac disease!

Erika Weissenborn, B.Sc., FNH, CHN says, “Buckwheat is my favourite gluten-free substitute! It has a rich nutty flavour, and is packed with nutrients. It’s also very versatile seed, that has much of the flavour and consistency of wheat, without the gluten.” Find out more in this article.

Are there added sugars to the dried fruit in Holy Crap cereal?

The organic dried cranberries and blueberries in Holy Crap cereal are sweetened with organic sugar. The sugar content in the nutritional fact label includes the naturally occurring sugar in the dried fruit and also the added sugar.

Are Holy Crap cereals considered raw?

Holy Crap Apple Cinnamon and Blueberry Apple cereal are not considered raw as the dried fruit (cranberries, apple, raisins and blueberries) are dried at a temperature over 118 degrees. All other ingredients in Holy Crap (buckwheat, chia, hemp hearts and cinnamon) are raw. Our Natural blend is raw as it only contains raw buckwheat, chia and hulled hemp seeds.

Do Holy Crap cereals help with constipation?

Erika Weissenborn, B.Sc., FNH, CHN says, “The fibre content in these cereals help the digestive system function optimally, which includes regular bowel movements. It also contributes to a healthy gut, and provides overall digestive support, without any sense of urgency. If you are having trouble with constipation, remember to drink lots of water as well!”

A serving size is 2 tablespoons. Are 2 tablespoons REALLY enough for my breakfast? Yes, indeed!  2 tablespoons of Holy Crap Apple Cinnamon, Natural and Blueberry Apple cereal expands when hydrated to make a much larger volume serving that will make you feel full and satisfied through to lunch time.

Is there a reason to let it sit for a few minutes before eating?

oaked chia seeds are easier to digest than raw seeds, and the nutrients are better absorbed and assimilated in your body.

The chia in the cereal absorbs about 9 times its weight and needs to soak in a liquid for a few minutes. Some people prefer to let it soak longer. Experiment to see how you like it best. People have told us they enjoy it letting it soak for as little as 3 minutes to letting it soak overnight in the fridge.

What was mixed with Holy Crap cereal that made Jim Treliving on Dragons' Den say "Holy Crap... is this ever good!"

What made Boston Pizza CEO, Jim Treliving, quip, “Holy Crap… is this ever good!” and when he finished eating his reach for Robert Herjavec’s bowl? Corin mixed 2 tablespoons of Holy Crap cereal with about 4 tablespoons of Vanilla Hempure. Corin and Brian had to wait almost all day before appearing in front of the Dragons. As the cereal was absorbing the Hempure, every couple of hours Corin would stir in more Vanilla Hempure to the cereal. By the time they appeared on the set the cereal was thick, smooth and creamy. You can achieve similar results by soaking the cereal overnight in the fridge, adding more liquid in the morning.

Find out more in this article.

Is there a reason to let it sit for a few minutes before eating?

Yes, the chia in the cereal absorbs about 9 times its weight and needs to soak in a liquid for a few minutes. Some people prefer to let it soak longer. Experiment to see how you like it best. People have told us they enjoy it letting it soak for as little as 3 minutes to letting it soak overnight in the fridge.

How long does a single bag last?

Between 8-16 days for one person depending on how you make your cereal. A typical serving is 2 tablespoons and each bag contains 8 full servings. Some people add 1 tablespoon (half a serving) to yogurt, oatmeal or muesli and in that case one bag could last up to 16 servings.

How long does a single bag last?

Between 8-16 days for one person depending on how you make your cereal. A typical serving is 2 tablespoons and each bag contains 8 full servings. Some people add 1 tablespoons to yogurt, oatmeal or muesli and therefore one bag would contain 16 servings.

How do I store it and how long does the cereal keep?

Store your Holy Crap cereal in a cool, dry location.  Refer to the best before date. Storing Holy Crap in the fridge may extend the best before date. However, storing in the refrigerator is not a requirement.

What else could I mix the cereal with or add to it?

Anything you like! Almond milk or apple juice are some options if you like it sweet. A fan favourite is to add the Natural Superseed Blend to flavoured smoothies and juice drinks to add a boost of nutrients. Our customers also add organic ingredients like agave, dried fruit, bee pollen, maple syrup, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, pine nuts, almonds and a host of other great breakfast treats to their Holy Crap cereal.

Check out our Recipes for more ideas.

Do you have samples?

Unfortunately, we do not offer product samples.

Do you have coupons?

No, we do not offer coupons. From time to time we offer our email newsletter subscribers discount codes for online purchases. Sign-up for our email newsletter so you don’t miss out!